Sunday, December 26, 2010

Dec 28-29, 2010

Is there anything else that you would like me to know about my childhood.

Here again this requires multiple answers that would make this super long. Each of you though have had a lot of special experiences from church, school and community activities. We have tried to teach you the gospel through service in the church and by example. It has not always been the best and I hope you will forgive me of my short comings but also realize that I have worked hard to make your childhood special and good. I had a wonderful childhood and was raised by exceptional parents and other loved ones. I hope you feel that you have been blessed by that example given to me. I often worry about the challenges that lie before you as you raise your families knowing the temptations that each of your children will face but I know that so far you have been doing a great job and I applaud you for that work but I also promise that it will get harder and take a lot more effort as you raise them through their teenage years. It will be so important to help them find and keep good friends just as each of you have had as you went through those years. It will also be important to be there at their calls to service, games, plays and all of the other things that will shape their lives. Know their friends and be friends to them as well without losing the adult role that you will play in their lives as well. Be there for their scouting and Young Women's activities as much as possible and bear testimonies of the gospel as often as you can verbally and through hard work and service. I love each of you and are so happy with the choices that you have made in choosing a spouse. That person is also very important to us since we know they play a vital role in teaching your children also. You have wonderful families and we love each of you so much. Work hard and love harder so that they will have all of the blessings that our Heavenly father has waiting for you and your families. I want you o know how much I love my brothers and sisters and know that much of your strength will come from loving your siblings and forgiving each other of any things that they might have done to hurt you even though they most likely don't even know that it happened. I also love my grandparents so much and know that they loved me, help your children to know how much we also love them and see the beauty of their spirits. Thank You again for being patient with me and may the Lord Bless you through your lives as you strive hard to live the gospel each and every day. Thank you Hayden and Cheyenne for this opportunity to write something for each day of the year even though at times I have had to do it in streaks as I had time to sit and type as it takes me so long to get onto the screen what I am thinking n my mind. Forgive me for so many memories that have slipped beyond my grasp and enjoy the ones that have happened to get stuck in their various forms of completeness and truth. I have tried to record them as best as I can recall but realize also that the brain records and plays back with some things omitted or changed due to age and experience value with it also recalling things sometimes as you might have wished it to be rather than what it might have actually been. memory is a strange thing but it shapes our lives and helps us to become what we are regardless of pure historical fact. Now be all you can be, do all you can do, love all that you can love and live with God as the center of your thoughts and actions as well as you can realizing that we all make mistakes but that was why our Heavenly Father sent us a perfect Son to make it possible through repentance to return pure and clean to Heavenly Father and Mother and live as families eternally in love and peace.

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