Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sept 17, 2010

Who was the best teacher you ever had? Why?

Mr. Goodrich. If I ever had a favorite teacher it was Goodrich. He was our math and science teacher. He could tell when students were bored and when they needed a challenge and thus I liked him. He taught my senior class chemistry and could tell that I had an ability to understand electronics and electricity. I ended up making an electric photo cell while I was in his class. I don't remember anyone else in the class ever making one but it was something that I really had a lot of fun doing and I think he enjoyed helping me with it. I spent several hours after school even working on it and similar types of things.

Sept. 16, 2010

Did you ever have a crush on a teacher?

We didn't get many young beautiful teachers out there and so there wasn't much of a chance to have a crush. Not that I didn't have a crush on someone it just wasn't a teacher. I'll leave it to you to guess who that was.

Sept 15, 2010

What teacher did you dislike the most? Why?

I don't remember having a dislike for any of my teachers except the 7th grade math teacher if I had to choose one. I really didn't dislike any of them but to me he was a very poor teacher. He was brilliant and had a great mind that couldn't teach on a 7th grade level. He was never able to really communicate with us but probably did OK with the seniors.

Sept 14, 2010

What was your most embarrassing school moment?

The day I got kicked out of English Class because I needed to go take more yearbook pictures. I think I have written about it before but it was the worst moment because it was the only time anything remotely happened like that. I was a model student and that wasn't the model I wanted nor the Librarian, mom.

Sept 13, 2010

There wasn't a question for Sept 12, so I skipped it.

Name the schools that you went to.

Now this is an easy one. Duchesne Elementary, Duchesne High School, BYU (continuing ed for a health class that I needed to have for graduation from high school, another class that Serena didn't have to take), Snow College and to the school of Hard Knocks.