Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year's Eve

So we had a fingernail polishing party and Zoey
was not content to be left out.
 Meanwhile, Kyle and I played with a boys toy.
 And the party continued.
 Then daddy decided to go see the Spanish Fork city
lights. We went round once but the children 
really wanted to go around again because of this castle.
 Well we were not able to turn around without having 
to pay a second time so we let the first trip past the 
color changing castle be enough.

Brooklyn's christmas puzzle

I think actually mom put a lot of it together
 but it was still Brooklyn's puzzle.

Princess Sierra Joy Poulson

Our littlest princess.

Grandma's Birthday Party

It was time for a birthday party for Grandma.
We were all here that could be here.

 Even with some special bubbles.

 Everyone was excited for Grandma to open presents.

 They all had to smell the new candle.
 And look at the very nice wooden box.

 Then she opened Grandpa's present to her
 for the grandchildren to play with.

 And the peanut packing was by far the most fun.

 Until clean-up time.

 The present was actually the exact same thing that
Scott had purchased for Zoey's christmas 
so we hid Grandma's after everyone except Zoey got to see it.