Tuesday, June 6, 2017

One of my favorite places on Earth , Bennion Creek

Mom and I went to visit some friends who are on a mission at 
Bennion Creek which is now fully owned by the church not the stake. 
No one was there so we hoped the fence and went for a hike.

The theater has really been upgraded with 
pavers and cement stairs.

The pavilions have all had cement counters with sinks 
added to them as well.

 The water flow was pretty high.

Doesn't look like a lot of water but it was.

 The lake has been dug out and is now 
around 12 feet deep again.

A new cement bridge over the creek to the upper 
camping area.

Following images are from the hike above the 
top end of the camp.

Three stitched images of the camp and pond.