Sunday, May 15, 2011

May 15, 2011 Playhouse

Here is Grandma's new playhouse sitting where it had been for apparently several years.
Back side

Front side

This is where it landed after being pulled across wet grass to it's pre-determined destination. (almost, we couldn't get it where we really wanted it, a couple feet further east, because of the wet grass.)

We were able to pump up the tires in order to move it, except for one that was off the rim. This is what it looked like after we got it here. The playhouse had to be emptied before we brought it due to a whole bunch of clothes that had been thrown into it.

A few more views.

This is the inside looking south toward what will be my storage part of the structure

This is the inside looking north.

The back side where we want to add a deck and then use it for photography. It has a full size door for adults.

Thanks to Scott and Jeff we now have a great start on the deck. 
Looking north from the storage area.

Looking south from what will be the loft.

Looking south from under the loft.

We are hoping that our grandchildren will be able to have a lot of fun in it.

May 14, 2011

Mission Experiences

Describe the decision process you went through before you chose to go on a mission. What motivated you to go? Was your family supportive of your decision to serve?

The process for me was so gradual that I don’t recall any specific time when I decided that I would go on a mission, it was just a given. I did love Marie but that too was not a part of changing the decision since she knew I wanted to go and would not stand in the way at all. So the process was probably growing up with the expectation to serve and the example of three older brothers and a host of their friends and mine leaving for missions before it was my time. All of my classmates that went left before I did since I was the youngest of the group.
I also was young enough that I had a full year at Snow College and thus plenty of friends there who had served missions and plenty getting ready to go and leaving after the first semester that their examples were also strong for me.
My family, of course were all supportive of it and had proven it during the years of my brothers missions. Stan went to Argentina, Clair and Lynn had both been to California.
Stan and Lynn both spoke Spanish and Clair and I were English speaking.