There is an interesting thing that happens each year that I don’t totally understand but it is the desire to get married on a date that has numerical sequences. This year it won’t happen in the temples since the date today of 10/10/10 is a Sunday but I’ll bet there are marriages being performed somewhere to day just because it is an interesting string of numbers.
I home taught a family once for several years and got to know them quite well. The youngest, whose name I will not reveal in the story, had one such marriage. It was not in the temple however but it was on the date of 8/8/88. I was working at Signetics at the time and she had also gotten a job there so I would see her almost every day and got to talk to her quite often. This was years after I had been her home teacher but I was still interested in her and her family. They had since been put into another ward with ward boundary changes so I didn’t get to see them that often.
I remember being very concerned as I watched this romance, of sorts, budding. I also remember watching her and him in their interactions at work. One day specifically stuck out in my mind as I watched them going home, she was like a little pet of his obediently walking several steps behind him as they were going to the car. I noticed later that it seemed to always be that way and she was hardly ever by his side holding hands. I am sure they most likely did but never that I saw. I photographed the wedding and gave the pictures to her. I also wasn’t surprised to discover a couple of years later that they were divorced as I had never really been impressed by him from the beginning. I had lost contact with her since her wedding so I didn’t know it was coming. She later remarried a remarkable young man who was the brother in law to her sister and then I found out after the birth of her son that only a short time later he was laying in the bed playing with the son and had a heart attack and died. That was one marriage that I felt so bad about in the way it ended but at least this time she was married to him in the temple. She has again since married and has a wonderful family and a very loving husband. She only made the mistake one time and really learned from it. She has not to my knowledge been married on any of those types of dates since then and it wasn’t because of the date that she had a poor marriage but I will always remember that date because of her wedding.
We have since photographed a wedding on 8/8/2008 and one on 9/9/2009 and both of those marriages to my knowledge are still going strong.