Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 20. 2011

What memories do you have from elementary school?

I have memories of classes being too long and spelling tests too hard. I also remember in 1963 playing marbles on the front sidewalk as someone swung open the door and yelled that Pres. Kennedy had been shot in Dallas Texas. Little did I know at that point that I would be serving my mission very close to that area where such tragic history had unfolded. I wrote about it in more detail last year. I remember being beat in my first (and last) fist fight while in 6th grade by a 3rd grader, I have written that story as well. I remember the girls being cute and some of my best friends since I was so much smaller than the other boys that I had a hard time being chosen to play ball with them.

Mar 19, 2011

What did you do at recess? What games did you play?

I remember going out to the play ground and enjoying playing on the monkey bars and swings and other playground equipment. We use to play a lot of dodge bar and kick ball also. I also liked to play tag which we would often do and then sometimes we would divide into teams and play baseball. The swings and Monkey bars were my favorites though by far.

Mar 18, 2011

What was your school like? How did you get to school?

My elementary school always reminded me of pictures we saw of the Alamo in Texas. It had double wide doors that led from the front of the building to the street. Then on each end it had a single door. It was two stories with the 3rd thru 6th grade classrooms on the second floor.  I rode a bus from home to school and from school to home except for my Kindergarten year. Since it was only half day I would ride the bus to school and then walk to Grandma's place a couple blocks from school for the afternoon until mom or dad would come pick me up.

Mar 17, 2011

Where did you go to elementary or grade school? Who were your teachers?

I attended Duchesne Elementary school. It was comprised of the K-6 grades. The building was torn down when I went into 7th grade. I must have just been too hard on it. 
My first few teachers were ones that I cannot now remember their names. I did find a 3rd grade report card and my teacher was Mrs Lewis. Mr Foy was my fourth grade teacher and Mrs Gale was my 6th grade teachers and Mr Goodman was my Principal.