Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dec. 8, 2010

Tell about your favorite stores to browse in as a child.

That's not hard since there was really only one store to browse and that was Kohl's. It was in the middle of the business block on main street and we had to walk past it every time we walked to Primary so that was when I would "browse" if it could even be called that since we really only had a few minutes to get there after school. I use to like the candy section followed by the tools section. We had everything in that store from clothing to candy to tools and lumber or hardware. It was the only store in town for a lot of years before Wilkerson's built the IGA that then basically ran Kohls out of the food part of the business. There was only one cafe also for many years Cowan's Cafe and to this day I have only been in it once and that was as a representative for the school yearbook asking for donations. I don't know why I have never eaten there but it was a cafe and I usually went to the Dairy Queen or the Frost Top, fast food places. There was also one drugstore that I would frequent once in a while but not much compared to Kohls.

Dec 7, 2010

Pearl Harbor Day--- If you are not old enough to relate a memory of that day, relate any other childhood remembrance.

I was not born until many years later from this historical event so I can relate no memory of it. I remember the Viet Nam war and grew up in the era of the draft evaders such as one of our future presidents was during that time. I remember Stan going to Viet Nam and the events around his Honorable Discharge from the Army and I remember Clair serving as a Military Police at Fort Ord and I have known many who were in that war. War is never a pleasant thing even when it is written in the history books many years later.

Dec 6, 2010

Do you have any knowledge of how your first name was chosen?

I really do not.
I may have to ask Alma and see if she remembers.