Sunday, March 8, 2015

Some ideas from pinterest

SO here are a few ideas. Just remember that we have 
irrigation water and would have to build it 
high enough to have the water go around.

Pond, anyone?

Kinda like this one.

Splash pad ideas.

This would be for the worn  out grown ups.

Nice but not practical.

 Tee Pee idea.

Got any old trucks laying around the neighborhood?
(Afraid it might become a wasp haven.)

We could put this anywhere in the yard, would be fun to 
have large chess pieces, right Loren?

Angry birds anyone?

Mom would like a zip line coming from something like this.

I quite like this idea also minus the fire pit since we 
already have one of those.

Of course we do have the side of the 
playhouse to project movies onto.

Thinking of cutting down the big trees on the west
and they would make a lot of chairs:)

So go from here and come up with your own ideas.
Go to the blog entry prior to this one for the reason I posted these.

Spring and summer projects

For those of you who may still be watching this blog 
I am putting in an entry that is a little different.

Below are some of the projects that we are undertaking
for this summer around the yard.

As you may or may not know we removed the swimming pool 
so Jeff and Britt would have a place to park the trailer 
while in between homes last fall.

We had the full intent of putting the pool back in
but as we think about it we are thinking more along
 the lines of leaving it out and replacing it with something else.
The amount of use that it gets and the cost of upkeep
are the main factors in it's removal
(besides the fact that the metal retainer for
the sides is all rotted out).

Now on the expensive side, 
with which we have not sufficient finances to complete
 but was the first thing that came to my mind,
I had thought about a splash pad.

Another thought would be to put up a tee pee there. 
Again financially prohibitive.

So this is where the blog takes on a little different approach.

How would you like to be involved in deciding what might go there. 
It has power and water so just let your mind go wild
and then we will consider the financial possibilities from there.

I have included 5 pictures of the area and you will need 
to consider what it would look like from those angles as well.

 Now, below is the other two projects that will be in
process of completion this spring and summer.

We still have a roof to put on the pavilion.
Thanks to all of you for your help getting
the first phase completed last summer.

 Second :
I have decided to make the wood pile areas look 
a little better by using the remaining block that we have to 
make bins for the wood.
Yes it does need to look a lot better and I think
that may help a lot as well.

I am planning on moving the wood, pvc, metal pole pile 

to the south behind the neighbors fence and along the ditch. 
I would like ideas on how to make a gate between the ditch and the 
neighbors property.
Can't see the area very well in the picture but it is 
just right of the ladder that is laying across the ditch.
(Kind of hidden be the pile of limbs in the fire ring.)

So any suggestions will be appreciated and considered. 
I would love to have input from the Grandchildren 
for whom this area will be of the most benefit.

(here is a pin that Tia has already suggested. Cut and paste url to view it.)

Other ideas have been a fish pond, water fall, light garden, bench pad,
and grass.
Go to the next entry for ideas from pinterest.