Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dec 6, 2011

I dream a dream.

Early in my youth I started having a dream about a cave. I have figured out over the years that it seems to come back around every few years. A lot more in my youth than now but I have had it in the past few years. It is a dream where I go into a cave for protection from a flood or some other disaster. I think that is part of the dram where it kind of changes but the basic parts of the dream seem to be somewhat consistent. Now I don’t remember my dreams usually when I awake in the morning but this one has occurred so many times that I recognize it when I have it and often awaken remembering it. The cave is dark and I am usually quite scared and yet I always wake up before anything happens such as the mountain caving in on me or water from a flood getting so high it fills the cave. I did dream one version of it once where the mountain opened up and a huge flood came out of it and we retreated into the cave to get above the flood it had created. Now don’t ask me how we got past the flood to the mouth of the cave after the flood ahd come out and we were still in our homes because well the answer is simple “That’s the magic of dreams.”

I must while on the subject tell about a dream I had this past week. I have always been a fan of Daddy Long Leg spiders. I have never on purpose pulled off their legs like my friends in elementary did because I liked them. Well I had a dream the other night and I saw a daddy long leg coming down toward me from above. I know however though that they don’t spin webs or use them to lower down on but due to the magic of a dream it was floating down with it’s legs spread out as though it was a parachute. When it landed I picked it up and went to show Marie but dropped it before getting there. It was in a crumpled heap and I quickly kept picking it up by the legs to untwist it and finally it got up and ran away carrying the parachute opened and attached to the end of each leg. It was pretty cool. Yes the magic of dreams, so cool.