Thursday, September 2, 2010

Sept. 2, 2010

VJ Day ... Do you have a memory involving the end of World War 2?
If not, then share a memory of Vietnam.

I grew up in the era of the Viet Nam war. I had a high draft number so I wasn't going to likely be drafted but the war was still plenty close to home. Clair joined the army so he would have a better chance of choosing where he would go and Stan was drafted and went to Nam. His experiences over there he hasn't really talked about too much but we were all very aware of the blessings from the Lord that he had which brought him home early. He awoke one day seeing double and it wouldn't go away. They finally sent to a hospital in Japan and then when they couldn't determine the cause of the problem sent him to the Denver VA hospital where he woke up one morning seeing fine again and he told me several years ago he has only had about a five minute occurrence of it since that time but he was discharged honorably from the military due to that problem. Other that I knew didn't return. I had a cousin killed in the war when I was a senior in High school and have never forgotten the day we found out. It was Jack Skewes little brother, Blake, and he came to tell his wife Dea who was in my senior class that it had happened.We were all very shocked and saddened but Jack took it the hardest by far.
It was apparently from shrapnel.