Sunday, May 1, 2011

May 1, 2011

Which was your favorite classes or teachers?
I liked all of my classes and was lucky to have two great teachers over the course of those 6 years. Brother Sam was my teacher the first two years. He was also a local lawyer and I remember him most because of his story about his conversion to the gospel when he hitchhiked from the south to BYU to go to school where he learned of the gospel and was converted. He hitchhiked because of a lack of funds. His family was originally from Hungary and later in life the church asked him to go there to help open the country for missionary work. He later became my stake president and was the president when I was called to serve my mission. Brother Neil Decker was the other teacher that I had for the last four years. He loved to teach with object lessons and spent many hours in preparing for them. I remember one where it took an entire summer to grow a cucumber inside of a narrow necked bottle. Of course we couldn’t figure out how he got it in the bottle because it was far to big to have put it in there after it was grown but the object was to teach how we let little things become part of us slowly day by day until hey are so much a part of us that they cannot be removed easily. Good ones we don’t want to remove but bad ones we do and it is then very difficult. He later compiled the lessons into a book and gave one to Marie and I for our wedding.