Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Feb 02, 2010

Do you have any ice skating memories to share?

Although I have owned a pair of ice skates all of my life it seems , they have hardly ever been used but plenty abused. I vaguely remember a couple of different things about ice skating as a youth. One was ice-skating on the pond down on the lower part of the farm. It was a bit tricky because there was a spring that few the pond and would keep the ice pretty thin n that area. However we never really worried about falling through the ice because if we did the water was maybe 4 inches deep below it. The worst part of the pond was thinking you could walk across it when it look dry and instead sink to your knees in mud much like if you were in quick sand. The other time or possibly times we skated was behind the County Courthouse in the middle of town. There was an area that they would flood in the winter to make a skating ring for the citizens. Needless to say I skated just enough to get my ankles sore but never enough to be able to skate.