Sunday, August 24, 2014

A visit to Duchesne and meeting with family

 We had a family meeting to get memories of our parents Kermit and Ilean recorded for history. Stan and Leesa were not able to be there and we were grateful to have Jack, our cousin yet more of a brother, there with us also. We also had our spouses of whom we so appreciate.

 L to R: Marsha, Clair, Alma, Jack Skewes, Lynn and Kent.
 Julie (Lynn)

 Center: Dea (Jack)

 Left: Scott (Marsha)

Left: Ruth (Clair)  and Right: Julie (Lynn)

Left: Loyle (Alma)

We also had a fun tour of Clair's farm animals.


We also stopped to see the Veterans Memorial at the East end of town.

Then there was a full moon rising that I just had to capture.