Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Nov 2, 2011

American TV: Coalville store owner 3 children under 6.

When I was working for American Television during the first three years of our marriage I was able to experience a number of events that would ultimately change the course of my thinking and my life. Each week I had assigned areas that I would travel to do pick up jobs that were outside of Utah County. I would go to certain stores where TV’s were sold and there pick up any warranty jobs or other jobs that would come in during the week. One day I would travel to Price, another to Heber and Coalville and another to Salina. I got to know parts of the state pretty well from my assignments doing those jobs. I also was able to meet a lot of people and get to be friends with many of them.
One day as I was waiting for jobs in Coalville I overheard the owner talking to one of the customers about her children. (It wasn’t hard to her since I was standing right next to them at the counter waiting for her to give me the jobs.) Anyway she was explaining to the other person how she had given birth to three sons within six years and how hard it had been during their youth (as babies mainly) to raise them but that how she was so glad now that it had happened that way. Further questions form the customer brought out the fact that the boys were now in high school and one was a senior, on a junior and one a freshman if I remember correctly. Anyway they were close enough in age to be all in the same school and were also the best of friends. That was the part that caught my attention was the fact that they were good friends and because of it were also able to help each other and be a friend when others were not around to be such. They were always looking out for each other and taking care of each other. They had been in fights as brothers but for the most part those had seemed to bring them closer in the long run and now as older youth they were there for each other.
Well I decided then that if possible I would like our children to be close in age as well as friends. We were blessed with three boys first and they have had their trials getting along but for the most part I was always glad that they were close since they were able to be with me at scout events and sporting event and other such activities. We were also blessed with a daughter just two years after that who for the most part was protected by her brothers and later harassed by them to the point that I am not sure she appreciates them quite like I had hoped. A son came next almost four years later followed by our youngest daughter two years after that. As I watch them now with their families it is fun to see them interact and to witness some of the trilas they have but also to see them be friends. I love them all and know that there are things with each of them that seem to bother the others but I am still glad that they were able to be close in age. That conversation in Coalville did have an impact on my life and my family dynamics.