Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sept. 11, 2011

Can you describe a place and a time when you remember feeling happy to be alive?
Where were you and what were you doing?
Oh this has happened far too many times to single out one experience. Several times it has been in the hospital as my children and grandchildren have been born. Many other times have been as I have seen nature in it’s purest form as I have been out on ward, scout, Timberline and Young Women’s camps. I get supper excited as I get to see mother nature strut her stuff and especially when I have been there with my wife and children. I have felt it many times as I have watched the family on Christmas Morning’s and at least 6 times as we have been in the Temple for our children’s marriages. There have been times when I have been on special trips with the ward and stake for treks and youth conferences. Oh I have enjoyed many, many, times when I have been so happy to be alive and with my family.