Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sept. 22, 2011

Accidents: Ball Bearings under the car

There has been many times through my life that I have been blessed by the Lord and didn’t realize it until some time later.  One for instance was while I was working at Signetics. I had gone to work on graveyard shift, as was the case for the last seven years that I worked there, and spent a regular night at work. The Blessing had been given that night on the way into work in the car but wasn’t realized until I left to go home the next morning. As I went to find the car I was approaching it from the back when I noticed a steel marble behind one of the tires. I bent down under the car to pick it up and noticed there were actually several of them. At that point one of the employees who often rode into work with me realized that they were actually the ball bearings form the car. I ended up having to get the car carried over to my mechanic in Mapleton so that the bearing could be replaced.  Now, You may ask what was the blessing in having your car break down and leave you stranded at work, and I will promptly answer that the blessing was that I made it to work in the first place. Obviously the bearing had fallen apart while we were riding into work the night before but the bearings had stayed and worked properly until the car was stopped and sitting in the parking lot at work.  It is at times like these that I am so very thankful for a Heavenly Father that knows my time table and knew that I could spend extra time going home from work that I couldn’t spend in getting there.