An unfortunate ladder fell on my head.
Leaving a small cut but no fracture or concussion.
You can see the ladder is slightly smaller than me
so it took the worst of the beating.
As suggested by the picture above that is.
I was Thankful that I was able to
smile about it later that day.
I was Thankful that I was able to
smile about it later that day.
Later that night since the small wound had
continued to leak blood, there became a
trail of the dried substance that made the
wound look much worse than it was.
I was happy to report that my family doctor
on Jan. 10, 2018 during my annual
physical made me get a tetanus shot,
of which I strongly argued against but lost
out to the kind man.
So when asked by this attending
physician I was able to say I had just
received one barely over a month ago.
The ladder that had been returned to the
wrong place (by students from another shop)
previous to the accident
now has returned to it's rightful home.
The following was an account of the unfortunate