Saturday, March 17, 2012

Mar 17, 2012

Mission calls Ann & I

Sept 16, 1972 was a special day and began as I went to the post office to get our mail in which I was hoping there would be a mission call. Well there was and there was also one for Sister Ann Behrmann. Later with my family I opened my call and was surprised by the fact that I was called to the Texas North Mission due to enter the mission home on Sept 30, 1972. (Two weeks later.) Well due to the need for further preparation the following Saturday mom and dad and I went to Provo and purchased all of the clothing and everything I would need for my mission. Ann however received her call to New Zealand and didn’t leave for several weeks after that. I received my endowments after I had gone into the mission home in Salt Lake city. We went in on a Saturday to the mission home and then the following Monday morning entered the Salt Lake Temple where I received my endowments in the first of two sessions that we were able to participate in that day. We also were able to go into the special room at the top of the temple where we were able to listen at the feet of the prophet President Harold B Lee. He would later pass away while I was still in the mission field and I came home with President Spencer W Kimball as the prophet. One of the missionaries, in the group of 30 all going to Texas that week, was Bernell Taylor whom I would later serve with in the Mapleton Stake High Council and to whom I later found out I was kind of related. He and I were both nephews of Carling Allen. I was the nephew through Carma Allen and he was the nephew through Carling. That was the start of a great experience for me and even though Ann left a couple months after me I came home 4 months after her since the sisters only went on 18 month missions. Bernell was also one of Ben’s employers while he was in high school.