Friday, May 13, 2011

May 13, 2011

Military Service

There is a section on Military Service but I was never  in the military due to a draft number of about 348 or something like that which kept me safe from being drafted into the Viet Nam war. Later draft numbers in the lottery style drafting system would not have been so good but the first number was the one that counted ,

May 12, 2011

What lessons about life have you learned from your career?

To be flexible and to always do your best regardless of the job function asked to perform. Then probably most important due to the number of twists that I have had in the road down my career has been to have faith in the Lord and to be willing to let myself be led by Him. I have had enough jobs in my career to almost be counted as a jack of all trades and a master of none but I have known the Lord’s goodness in keeping me financially above water and during times of no insurance He has blessed us with good health and resources for healing children as they have had need.  The Lord is the one who I accredit for leading me down life’s path and keeping me stable. The jobs that I have had have also been ones where I could serve Him in church callings and be able to do His work as well.

May 11, 2011

How did you decide on the career path your life has taken?

A class in high school caught my attention to electronics and a scholarship to Snow for the Electronics program solidified it. I spent two years learning electronics during a time of major advances in the industry and decided to become a technician rather than an engineer since it would put me into the workforce earlier and marriage was coming right after graduation. The rest of the careers have been due to the Lord opening doors and being willing to work at whatever I was asked. Most of the photography has been self -taught because of a great interest in it.