Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 11, 2010

Did your mom and dad ever find something you had hidden.

No since I had to clean my own room or live in it as it was. Mom would come to the room once in a while and dad would be there every day to get me up but I don’t remember them ever even searching my room for anything. In reality there wasn’t really anything for them to find other than my Life Saver roll collection and the only thing that found it was a batch of ants that took every bit of sugar from those rolls and left them empty for me to find when I returned from my mission. So I was the only one that was ever surprised by something that I had hidden in my room.

I had hidden things in the barn as well but they were never found either. The one thing that I remember hiding was an old shotgun and the only reason I hid it was to keep my siblings from finding it in case they might want it. In the long run none of them did and so I ended up with it. It is just an old relic that has no value and I wouldn’t dare fire a shell in it but it is fun because it breaks apart into two pieces which was what caught my attention and imagination with it in the first place.