Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 3, 2011


What dates were you ordained to offices in the priesthood? Who ordained you? Where did the ordination take place?

Deacon:  22 Aug 1965    Kermit Poulson

Teacher:  20 Aug 1967 Kermit Poulson

Priest:  17 Aug 1969 Kermit Poulson

Elder: 23 Sept 1972 Kermit Poulson

High Priest:  30 June 1985   Richard Smoot Nixon
Set apart as Bishopric 2nd Counselor same time.

What are some interesting experiences in connection with these ordinations?
The best part is that my father was the one who performed almost all of them. He was deceased when I was ordained a High Priest. He set a great example for me by being there with me as I grew in the priesthood. I attended conference, stake and ward priesthood meetings with him while growing up. 

May 2, 2011


What did you enjoy most about your favorite classes?
I must admit that I enjoyed the object lessons best. It was fun to put on the devotionals but it was probably not my favorite part of the class. I read the Book of Mormon for the first time because of Seminary and have learned to love it far more than I did then. (Hard to admit but true.) I look back now and wish I had put even more effort into seminary even though I did get straight A’s from those classes.

What special events or activities do you recall?
I had the opportunity to be on the seminary council for a couple of years. We had a lot of fun activities like hay rides in the fall and dances once in a while. The socials were always fun but that was probably more because Marie was there than the fact that it was a seminary activity. We did have one hay ride where we went up snow draw which was located by the airport above our home. I was probably the most instrumental in getting it there since that is where I always ran for training and was one of my favorite spots. Besides that it made the ride a couple of miles long.

What did you feel was the most important thing you gained from your seminary experiences?
The most important thing I got from seminary had to be a knowledge of the gospel that was learned from daily events rather than just on Sunday at church. It required reading the scripture which I most likely would have never done on my own even though I lived in a home where the gospel was a major part of our living experiences.