Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April 9-10, 2012 Greyson Hayden Poulson

April 9, in the Davis County Courthouse, Greyson 's adoption was made complete and legal. It was a very special experience and for Hayden a very interesting one since the judge wanted to pick on him it seemed. He asked Hayden to explain what he meant when he said that he loved Cheyenne. I won't tell anymore of the story of that part but for each of you father's that is a very hard question to answer especially when sitting in a courtroom in front of a judge when your answers may make the difference in whether your get to adopt your son and make your family an eternal unit. Well the judge did finally go on to say that it meant service to her and that he would put her first above all else forever. Hayden and Cheyenne did really well and it ended being a very special time for all of us who got to attend. There were a couple of things that the judge said that I wish I could remember word for word but I don't have that good of a memory. Just let it suffice that he said some very eternal truths about families and couples in particular in making sure that the husband always treats his wife with the greatest of respect since that is what the children will learn most of all. They will always remember how dad treated mom no matter what is said by dad.
Here are a few of the pictures.

Now today, April 10, 2012, we will be meeting at the LDS Provo Temple at 10:00 Am to seal Greyson to their family. We are so thankful for this special day and for all who have had a part in it especially a very unselfish young lady who gave Greyson to Hayden and Cheyenne. We love her very much.