Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Nov 23, 2011

Christmas Tree Fund Raisers Verl's old yellow truck

For two years our scout troop decided to cut Christmas Trees for fund raisers for our summer camp. We got permits for cutting trees in Indian Canyon in a small canyon called Grassy Hollow. We got up early and drove up the canyon. Verl Behrmann was the father of one of the younger scouts Paul and also the father of the girl that I really liked in the ward. I decided to ride with him in his old yellow ford truck. There was one place going in where we had to cross an area on the road where water crossed the road and had formed a dangerous crossing. The road also took a fairly sharp turn o the left going up the canyon. It was pretty scary going over it but we made it OK and continued up the canyon. We spent most of the day looking for just the right trees, cutting them down and hauling them back to the trucks. We also ate our lunches up there and by the time we were ready to go home we were pretty tired. Well I rode down with Verl again and when we got to the icy crossing I really wasn’t to concerned since he had gotten over it that morning. I was soon to be proven quite wrong however because as we started t go across the truck started to slide to ward the downhill side of the ice and the creek below it. The edge dropped off fairly rapidly and so did the truck as it turned backward and slid into the hole perfectly filling it up with a yellow truck. Paul was sitting in the middle and as the truck came to a stop his head kept going backward and cracked the glass behind us. We only dropped the length of the truck but that was plenty. I do not remember who we rode with as we went back to town and I didn’t go back up the next day, Sunday, with Verl and the tow truck to get it out but it apparently went OK because the truck was still for quite a few more years.