Monday, February 22, 2010

Feb 23, 2010 Happy 34th Birthday Ben.

What is the biggest problem you remember having in Sr. High school?

It was a I entered the ninth grade when I decided that I could be a better student. I had to follow behind an extremely smart sister that was only a year ahead of me in school. She had been a straight A student her entire school career. Pauline had also entered the picture being a year older than me yet in the same grade. The three of us would end up having a lot of fun for the next few years as we grew very close together. I did improve my grade that year and started to get A’s in most of my classes but still had a big climb to make to get straight A’s like Leesa. It was a hard trek but paid off as I graduated only 3 hundredths of a point behind Serena Davies who was our Valedictorian.