Sunday, May 9, 2010

May 9, 2010

Do you remember any childhood songs or rhymes?

We sang all of the primary songs that were written at the time like "Give Said the Little Stream" and "Pop Corn Popping on the Apricot Tree". There were others but those are the two that come to my memory first. Then there were all of the nursery rhymes like"Little Boy Blue Come Blow your horn", Jack and Jill fell down the Hill", and "Jack Be Nimble Jack be Quick". Plus there were a host of them and it has been every fun going to Lori's preschool graduations and seeing them acted out by the children and they always do such a great job that it brings those rhymes back to my memory very vividly. I think though that there might be one or two that might post date my youth. I am looking forward to seeing them again at the end of May this year and I will have to pay a little closer attention to see if I knew them all and had just forgotten them or if there are really some new ones.