Saturday, February 26, 2022

Disney Trip-Day #3- 6 Newport Beach Temple

We stopped by the 
Newport Beach Temple
Kate, Brittany, Alex, Jeffrey

Back: Zoey, Bria, Kate, Britt, Alex, Jeff
Front: Scott, Lily, Tia, Marie, 
Grandma and grandpa switched places

We couldn't get into the grounds but enjoyed this view.

Sunset starting

It was beautiful
Britt running to get a picture before
 the sunset was gone

Sunset both directions


Disney Trip Day #3- 5 Sunday afternoon at Newport Beach

In their heart

Looks like a crab crawl

Lily, Tia, Brittany

Local friend, Stork

Actually there were two



Headed back to the water

Lily, Tia, Marie, Brittany

Buried in the sand


Dad's artwork

Sea Monster or Mermaid with a long tail?

Gray Gull

Washing off the sand
Collecting seashells

Artwork complete.
Trying to catch a gull

Time to return to our hotel

Sun is setting soon