Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oct 20, 2011

Furnace treachery or Mapleton White Church Boiler about to blow it’s top.

I was recently reminded about this incident as I was talking to a fellow who repairs LDS church buildings. We were discussing the old white church in Mapleton where my wife, family and I had spent many years attending church. I had served as an Elders Quorum counselor, Bishops Executive secretary, 1st and 2nd counselor in bishoprics and as Primary teacher of the 8 year olds, Webelos leader, Cubmaster and Scoutmaster.
The story that I was reminded of was when I was actually serving the second time as a Counselor in the 1st ward Bishopric. (Well actually the first time as counselor it was in the 4th Ward Bishopric but in the same building.) Anyway we met at a very early hour of 6:30 A.M. in the south east corner of the building. One wintery morning we were meeting in Bishopric Meeting and were surrounded by a most unusual smell. There were tow other Bishoprics in the same building and after noticing the smell were suddenly alerted by a loud knock on the door. The Bishopric meeting nearest to the boiler room were there to tell us that we needed to evacuate quickly as the furnace was malfunctioning. We quickly gathered up our things and went outside. As the maintenance men got there and went into the furnace room they found that the boiler was extremely hot and almost at the pressure where it would explode. It would have done so in only a few minutes after their arrival had the not been able to turn it off and allow it to cool down. We didn’t hold church that day and in fact for the next couple of months through January and February we met in the Elementary school across the street. The furnace was completely replaced and much of the distribution system for the heat had to be changed. It was another reminder of how the Lord protects his Servants as they serve him diligently. Had the boiler exploded it most likely would have injured if not killed the Bishopric meeting nearest the Boiler Room and according to local experts would have blown a hole in the church that would most likely have extended through all three levels above the boiler room. That is a beautiful old church with a lot of special history including the baptismal font located in one of the basements that as long as I have been there has never been used.