Monday, November 16, 2020

Fall Break with Marie in The Valley of Fire State Park Nevada-White Dome Trail

Nevada Valley of Fire State Park
I have been wanting to go here since  a friend of ours
use to talk about the trips he took with a friend of his
each year into this park.
I know now why he loved it so much.

Cabins built early years of the park where the 
rangers would stay.

The Seven Sisters 
near the first of the park.

Our first stop after we had stopped at the
pay station and elephant rock (later blog)
was at the end of the road at a place called
White Domes.

The trail at first was pretty sandy 
like many of the trails in the park 
as we would discover later in the trip.

This one suddenly took quite a drop
 in elevation.
We were worried we would have to come back up 
the same way.
Thankfully not.

The stone arch at the bottom was apparently
a movie set.

Now you can see why we didn't
want to return this way.

This narrow passge was really pretty.

And came out here.

Love the wildlife as always

The holes in the rocks are so beautiful too.
And with a little imagination 
all sorts of creatures can bee seen 
in the shapes of the rocks.

This little bird posed for me.

and another lizard.


Fall break hike with Kasia in Zion's National Park

Zion's National Park
One of my favorite parks to photograph. 
It has been photographed by many thousands of people 
but it is always fun to have your own photos.

As a photographer though I have tried to hone in on
trees in the parks where I photograph.
There are so many and to me they represent hard work and 
perseverance.  Traits many of us should practice.

It was fun to have Kasia along with us that day.

Marie decided to wait at the car for this little hike.

Then she came with us a little later.

Kasia got to play queen of the mountain again
only this time the climb was no challenge at all
from the back side.

I love my girls. Was glad to have them with me.

When I was young a family 
could stop their car in the tunnel 
at this portal, can't do that now
but I have vivid memories of doing it then.