Sunday, April 12, 2015

Easter with the Poulson's and Lundell's Part 1: After the eggs were gone

Out came the helicopters.
They were pretty fun especially after it got dark
(when it was too dark to photograph.)

Easter with the Poulson's and Lundell's Part 1: The egg rolling contest (or Throwing one.)

The next phase of the activity is to roll the eggs down the hill
to see which would go the farthest without breaking.
A couple of them made it quite a long way.

not far enough. The next phase was to see how far you 
could throw one without it breaking. One or two survived the initial 
throw but most exploded upon impact.

 The faces show some distinct determination.

Easter with the Poulson's and Lundell's Part 1: The egg hunt

Grandpa, with assistance, checking on whether the park 
was clear enough to go hide eggs.

The men hide the eggs.

The women and children wait in the wings.

And it's off to the races.

This dog, not on a leash, was showing some major dislike 
to someone taking the egg near the tree.
Actually I photographed this since I wasn't close enough 
to Elizabeth to stop a possible attack and decided I would
 at least document it 
 if something did happen. 
The owners were just a few feet away and 
not doing anything to go after the dog.

Just out of Kinsey's reach.

These guys were after a frisbee they found stuck in the tree. 

It was fun for all.