Thursday, February 23, 2017

Another tree into the history books

I have been wanting to cut down this tree
for several years now and did do 
one of the three trunks a few years back.
Marie then told me she wanted to cut
it out due to all of the seeds that were 
coming off of it.

Well that was all it took and I went and got the
chainsaw and had the second trunk down before 
she knew what was happening.

This third trunk however would have taken out
power lines across the street if I had just cut it down.
So with Scott Jeffers help and tractor
I was hoisted into the tree where I cut off
several of the biggest limbs. 

 After that I came down again with the 
aid of the tractor bucket and Scott pushed 
on the tree the way that we wanted it to fall
and I notched it for the same direction and 
miracle of miracles it fell that direction just 
as we had planned it.

Zoey helps mom make cookies

So Grandma and Mommy had a helper 
making sugar cookies for Valentines Day.
She loved it.

Actually she was very excited about it.