Sunday, November 7, 2010

Nov 4, 2010

Tell about how you proposed marriage to my mom.

I had been dating Marie at college for the fall semester. We went home to Duchesne for Christmas and I had decided to propose during the break. I was also working for Dad at the schools delivering groceries. I went to Roosevelt one day and picked up some roses for Marie and when I got off work I went to her home to give them to her and in reality was testing the waters for what I wanted to do later in the evening. We had planned to go with Ann and a couple of her college friends out caroling. We had taken them sleigh riding earlier in the weekend and now it was time to go caroling. So we went caroling and when we got back to Marie's home I was stuck with a small problem of getting Marsha away while I popped the question. Finally I got her to go in and look at the new pool table dad had bought for their Christmas. Then I quickly pulled the ring from my pocket and hugged Marie. I had her arms wrapped around her back so I could pull off her glove and slide the ring on her finger. Oops I got the wrong finger and for the longest time she wouldn't bring her hands around to see them. Finally she did and I asked if she would marry me and she didn't really answer for some time before finally saying yes. We then went into the house and she told everyone about it. That's how I remember it at least.

Nov 3, 2010

What qualities first attracted you to her?

She was so darn cute and fun. It was fun to be with her and she was very pretty. I also enjoyed talking to her whether it be out side of her window or in the car in front of her house until dad would flip the porch light on and off signaling it was time to come in. I enjoyed watching her perform in the debutantes and she was also very athletic. All around she was just very attractive to me.

Nov 2, 2010

Tell about your first date with her.

Neither one of us can remember our first date but I remember well my our first kiss, here is the way I have it written in my history stories.

A Stolen First Kiss

I hesitate sometimes writing about some of the events of my life since it really shows how human I am and some of my weaknesses but it is for that reason that I write concerning this particular event of which I remember only a short part. Maybe by reading some of these my young friends and grandchildren may be able to side step such temptations.

I was a senior in high school and was also very infatuated by a beautiful junior girl named Marie. She and I had actually liked each other for several years and I had officially started dating her when she turned 16 just a year and a few months before this event. We were in the same LDS Ward and so we had lots of chances to be with each other. I guess in today’s terms we were “Hanging Out” as often as circumstances would allow. We spent time together at MIA (Young Men and Young Women’s activity night) on Tuesday nights and never missed a fireside or sitting by each other’s side during them. I am sure there were other cute girls that I could have sat by but this one was definitely my choice. I also remember the often given council at these firesides, church classes, parental suggestions and advice that asked or suggested that we date many members of the opposite sex so that we would know better the person that we would like to marry. Well being young and stupid as we often are in our youth and having liked several girls throughout my youth in elementary I felt it OK to see this young lady as often as occasion would permit. I think back on the temptations that were created by so doing and am very grateful for liking a young lady that had very high standards and wouldn’t compromise them.

So now on to this stolen first kiss episode. We were going to a school dance one night and I don’t even remember which one but for some reason after I had picked her up from her home, only two small blocks form the school, we went to my home about two miles from the school either for me to change my clothes or for some other reason of which I have no recollection. That two miles however included a drive across part of blue bench where there was no lighting, other than the stars and the moon which was probably full that night, before dropping off a small hill to the rest of the road along the canal below which I lived. We were returning from my home to town and the dance when I decided to stop the car (there is a Stake Center very near the spot now) and steal a kiss from this beautiful girl that made my heart skip so freely every other beat when I was around her. I remember well that it was my senior year because I was wearing something that had been totally foreign to my style throughout my life. I had just received my Senior Key and I never wore necklaces of any kind. I had to be toward the end of the year since we didn’t get them until we were about to graduate and I was wearing it on a chain around my neck. I suppose I felt it was time for a first kiss since I would shortly be graduating and going off to college and then on my mission so I might never get to kiss the girl that had been so much a part of my life for the past few years. Well Marie was wearing a very beautiful knitted sweater. Now I would never have remembered this since I seldom notice what others are wearing and have not really felt the need to memorize what they were wearing except that this particular time that was not the right thing for her to have on while I tried to steal a long and lasting kiss. I pulled the car to a stop along this stretch of dark lonely road and of course she wondered why so it didn’t take me long to let my intensions to be known as I leaned over and stole the kiss. In those days cars seldom had bucket seats and seat belts were not yet popular so she was sitting very close to me as she most always did. It wasn’t a very long or lasting kiss except in my memory, because about that time the Lord sent the needed interceptor along as a car drove up over the crest of the hill so that it’s light were directly on my parents car and well into our eyes. I have no idea to this day who it was but I remember well the fact that we couldn’t just swing back into our seats as though nothing were happening because the loop holding my senior key to the chain around my next had ever so slyly hooked itself through one of the strands of that lovely knitted sweater so that she and I became somewhat inseparable. I was probably a fairly bright red color by the time the car passed and it wouldn’t have been due to the fact that the tail lights of the car were red either. It only took us a few minutes to finally separate ourselves but the memory of the moment lasts to this day. I can’t remember much of the rest of the evening or even when we had our second kiss but I will actually cherish that memory for it put into my mind the lasting memory of kissing my future wife for the first time. Now I am lucky that she ended up being my wife and we have had many kisses since that time. She will often come up to me when I am busy working on pictures or something where I am very involved and give me a very passionate kiss and then I want to continue with more but she puts me back to work just to painfully wait for the chance to steal another kiss.

Nov 1,2010 (Back to it.)

November questions will deal with your courtship, marriage, and my arrival in the world.

Tell about how you first knew my mother.

My mother was the librarian at Duchesne High School. The Duchesne County School District had plans to improve the school at Duchesne but it went through some strange changes to get there. There was an old gym that was replaced just before I graduated from 6th grade. We spent that 6th grade year going to gym classes across the street to the new facility and were very impressed with it. Well that vacated the old gym so while lans were being made to add a new library to the school they took the old gym and made about a 8 foot dividing wall across it and put the library in the east section of it.
Duchesne was also going through some major changes as the government was building a new dam just above town and in the west end of town there was a new trailer court being built for the government families that were moving to town to work on the dam. There were a lot of new families and a lot of new students coming to Duchesne. Well one of those families I would come to know quite well had moved into a home just two blocks (or a block and a half) from the school straight east of the school. I was then 13 years old when this was happening. The old elementary had been town down and a new one built north of the high school about a block.
So during the summer when I was 13 or just turning 14 since m birthday was in August, I was down at the school helping mom get the library ready fro the new school year. My job was to take the new books that mom was putting library cards into at the front desk and move them to the shelves properly putting them into order on the shelves. I was putting books away when the doors opened to the library and two girls came into it. They began talking to mom and I moved to the end of the shelves where I could see them but not really be seen to easily. It was not a real well lit part of the building or room at that time. The older and much taller girl introduced themselves and of course I couldn't really tell what she was saying but I do remember seeing the smaller girl staying somewhat between her sister and the door as if to be ready to make a quick escape. She was very cute, thin and quite petite. Her sister was a little larger and obviously older than I but the second one looked to be close to my age. Well I don't remember if mom introduced me to them at that point or not but I am sure she most likely did but my brain was very busy cementing that first initial image into my memory banks and must not have considered the rest to be too important.
As it ended up we would be in the same ward and her father had bought the house because he didn't want to live in the tin city, as we called it, with the other government families. I think that was a great move for me because as I have mentioned before I was able to watch Marie as she walked to school each day, or at least a lot of them from then until I graduated. We were also able to interact with each other in the ward functions at Mutual and firesides. She was a year younger than I in school but only 4 months younger in age and so we were in similar classes in the ward. She captured my heart at that time and though we steady dated in high school we did go on to date others in college. I was never able to find one though that was quite like her nor that I liked as well. She was asked to be married to another fellow just before I returned from my mission but since I was soon coming home she told him she wanted to wait and see how things went when I got back. (I ended up having known him since he had been at Snow my freshman year and apparently had not gone on a mission and dated her at Snow.) He left most likely quite broken hearted and never returned.