Sunday, November 7, 2010

Nov 1,2010 (Back to it.)

November questions will deal with your courtship, marriage, and my arrival in the world.

Tell about how you first knew my mother.

My mother was the librarian at Duchesne High School. The Duchesne County School District had plans to improve the school at Duchesne but it went through some strange changes to get there. There was an old gym that was replaced just before I graduated from 6th grade. We spent that 6th grade year going to gym classes across the street to the new facility and were very impressed with it. Well that vacated the old gym so while lans were being made to add a new library to the school they took the old gym and made about a 8 foot dividing wall across it and put the library in the east section of it.
Duchesne was also going through some major changes as the government was building a new dam just above town and in the west end of town there was a new trailer court being built for the government families that were moving to town to work on the dam. There were a lot of new families and a lot of new students coming to Duchesne. Well one of those families I would come to know quite well had moved into a home just two blocks (or a block and a half) from the school straight east of the school. I was then 13 years old when this was happening. The old elementary had been town down and a new one built north of the high school about a block.
So during the summer when I was 13 or just turning 14 since m birthday was in August, I was down at the school helping mom get the library ready fro the new school year. My job was to take the new books that mom was putting library cards into at the front desk and move them to the shelves properly putting them into order on the shelves. I was putting books away when the doors opened to the library and two girls came into it. They began talking to mom and I moved to the end of the shelves where I could see them but not really be seen to easily. It was not a real well lit part of the building or room at that time. The older and much taller girl introduced themselves and of course I couldn't really tell what she was saying but I do remember seeing the smaller girl staying somewhat between her sister and the door as if to be ready to make a quick escape. She was very cute, thin and quite petite. Her sister was a little larger and obviously older than I but the second one looked to be close to my age. Well I don't remember if mom introduced me to them at that point or not but I am sure she most likely did but my brain was very busy cementing that first initial image into my memory banks and must not have considered the rest to be too important.
As it ended up we would be in the same ward and her father had bought the house because he didn't want to live in the tin city, as we called it, with the other government families. I think that was a great move for me because as I have mentioned before I was able to watch Marie as she walked to school each day, or at least a lot of them from then until I graduated. We were also able to interact with each other in the ward functions at Mutual and firesides. She was a year younger than I in school but only 4 months younger in age and so we were in similar classes in the ward. She captured my heart at that time and though we steady dated in high school we did go on to date others in college. I was never able to find one though that was quite like her nor that I liked as well. She was asked to be married to another fellow just before I returned from my mission but since I was soon coming home she told him she wanted to wait and see how things went when I got back. (I ended up having known him since he had been at Snow my freshman year and apparently had not gone on a mission and dated her at Snow.) He left most likely quite broken hearted and never returned.

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