Sunday, May 31, 2020

Gabe turned 16 on May 30, 2020

Gabe had a party here on his 16th 
birthday. He invited 3 friends.
They had a pretty good time I think.
I finally took a few pictures 
when we cut his cake.

 His candle was a sparkler.

 His cake and balloons.

Packard Canyon Hike

Packard Canyon in the
Right Fork of Hobble Creek Canyon 

 These kids are getting to be pretty good hikers.

 Our destination was the falls

Look there are our initials

I didn't get my camera set fast enough
while he was standing on the trunk

Log walking

Bear prints
 Well at least that is what Jeff claims but
his hand fit them pretty good.

another set a couple trees above 
where the other one was.

 I was able to get her standing there at least.

 These are the falls just below the 
ones where we first went, you can see 
them in the background

The cold water was very refreshing.

We first thought this was a horseshoe
nope, just a tree root. 

Almost back to the vehicle