Sunday, January 4, 2015

Christmas Day 2014

It only happens in movies, that is until this year, 
it snowed during the night on Christmas morning so that 
when we awoke there was already about 4 inches of snow.

Our traditional Christmas morning family picture 
was moved from the hallway into the front room this year.

Breakfast was first and Kyle was all for it.

However Brooklyn was ready to see what Santa brought.

Soon we made our entrance into the family room 
where the stocking were all filled.

After surveying the fruit in the stockings it was time.

to open presents.

Ben's family and Elaine came down in the early afternoon.

Grandma received her annual gift from the children
 her photo book.

Then we made and raced the candy slieghs.

This is Scott trying to not get in the picture
with his sleigh.

Finally at night Brooklyn really wanted to go caroling,
so we went down to Dawna's 
 and Zach opened the door.