Thursday, January 28, 2010

Jan 29, 2010

Tell about an experience or event that drew you together.

I remember mostly the times that Leesa would get on the piano and then everyone would talk dad into singing the “Mighty Deep” or “No man is an Island.” He had a beautiful deep bass voice and in fact sang at almost every funeral in a quartet as the bass singer for all of the funerals in Duchesne that I can remember. He was always being asked to sing.

Anyway it was usually a Sunday evening and after he would sing that song or both of them then the rest of us would join in and sing for about 45 minutes to an hour. It was a special time with him and mom.

We always ate our meals together as well and they were just a part of farm life but I think they were also times when we drew closer together. I especially remember eating bread and milk with onions and salt after getting home from Sacrament Meetings on Sunday evenings. It sounds like it wouldn’t be very good but it really was very good and one of the thins that I miss.
Most of the other experiences were when we were working together as we cut and baled the hay in the summer and doing chores all year round.