Wednesday, October 20, 2021

A few Goblin Valley panoramic shot. Oct 14-15, 2021

These are some panoramic images that I made
with photoshop stitching.
Some only have 2 images stitched together,
while others have as many as 17 to 21.

This is one that was made out of the most images. 
The next two are the same images split into two sets.
Notice that it made a 360 degree set. 
(The ends of the image were the same area.)

Another large set stitched together.


Goblin Valley Camping Trip Oct. 14-15,2021

For Fall Break from school this year
we decided to take a camping trip to
Goblin Valley State Park.
We had a lot of fun and was able to 
hike a good share of the park in 2 days.
The afternoon however of the third day
we had a huge wind come up.
We ended up going back to the tent,
finding it broken and so we packed up, 
hiked Little Wild Horse slot canyon, 
then drove back to Mapleton.
We spent the remainder of fall break with
Loren's family in Burley Idaho.

The only place we could drive to was on this
little knoll. It was too windy but as we drove out 
of the area we noticed other tents against the mountain 
that were being blown just as badly as ours had been.

Goblin Valley the first afternoon. 
We mainly hiked around the East part.

Marie found a good seat.

Our shadows stayed right with us and 
the slightly overcast days and cool weather
made for great hiking.

Our tent the first night at sunset.

You can see a trail along the edge of the hill.
This was where we came out of Goblin's Valley
the first day and it ended up on the Carmel Canyon
trail where we had to hike the next morning 
to go to the lairs.

The next morning we went back to Goblin Valley
to hike to the Goblin's lair. We didn't go there however 
and only did the Cobblet's lair
 a quarter mile further on down the trail.

Marie wanted a photo of the "Sentinel",
as we named it.
Top right end of the mountain.

We found a little peek-a-boo spot as we hiked
the West part of the later in the day after lunch.

This is in the West part of the park.

A cave big enough to stretch out in if the weather were
to get bad but it would not be a good idea
since there is a stream that runs out of it during 
rain storms.

Our legs started to get a bit worn out
 by the end of the afternoon. 
 Another shadow shot.