Tell about a school principal you remember.
I think the author of these questions may have asked this one since you remember principal’s best by the number of times that you are sent to their office or the number of times they interact with you for positive reasons. I had to go back to my yearbooks to even figure out who my principals were and had only remembered one and he was principal during my senior year and was married to the lady who taught me to swim so I remembered him because of the church and scouting association as much as the school association. My principals were in 7th and 8th grades: Mr. Rogers, 9th grade: Mr. Browning, 10th and 11th grades: Mr. Griffith and in 12th Grade: Mr. Caldwell. I remember Mr. Roger’s a little, Mr. Browning not at all, Mr. Griffith a little now that I look at his picture, and Mr. Caldwell very well. We must have been pretty hard on principals since they only lasted one or two years. Duchesne was a small school that was used for resume reasons for most of those men. Mr. Caldwell on the other hand was there for several years I think because he became a part of the community and wanted to stay there and eventually also became the Superintendent of the Duchesne County School District. I was also good friends with them probably because of their son that was only a year older than I as well and we went to the same ward all the time with their family.