Thursday, July 28, 2011

July 28,2011

Later adulthood 65 to present
Personal reflections.

Since I am not yet 65 this section may not apply however I will answer applicable questions.

What do you consider to be the most important historical event of your lifetime? What do you recall about it? Where were you when it occurred?

I have a hard time answering this one since there have been some major events of historical significance during my short life. President John Kennedy’s assassination in Nov of 1963 was a very major event.
However the moon landing in July of 1969 probably has been the most significant since the space program has been the catalyst for so many of the inventions of these last days. Products of all sorts now used in the home and workplace are a direct result of  the experiments and research that have been done for the space program. We have had significant wars during my life even though I came along after the world wars, which spawned a lot of development in products, but I think the space program has had the most impact. I could be wrong but that is my take on it.

I remember watching the landing and Armstrong walking on the moon and was at home watching it. We talked a lot about it in school as well however and I was a sophomore in high school at the time. 
When Kennedy was assassinated I heard about it as someone threw open the door of our elementary school and shouted to us what had happened. I was playing marbles on the sidewalk of the school at that moment with one of my classmates.