Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mar 26, 2010

Did you have any other good stories about being injured.

Yes,I was hit by 12000 volts of electricity that entered through to pair of gloves and exited through two small holes below my knee cap. It entered my finder at the knuckle on my left hand, not the same finger this time,0 and went out my right knee. I was putting wire ties into a machine that had the electricity safety switch bypassed while we were working on it and I forgot to take the bypass off before reaching in to tie wrap some wires back to the main frame. I saw it come at me from about 4 inches away from my finer like a lit match. It literally looked like a match burning sideways. When it hit my knuckle all of my muscles contracted and since I wasn’t actually holding onto anything It curled me up into a ball and I just rolled away from the machine. I did have to stay overnight in the hospital for observation to make sure that no blood clots formed in my veins. It was a DC voltage meaning direct current which travels along the skin or surface of the body and thus wasn’t likely to cause problems in the veins. (AC or house electricity would have killed me since it travels through the body using the veins as conductors of the electricity and thus bakes the blood.)