Monday, December 26, 2022

120822-Alex band concert

Alex played the trumpet in his first band concert

Jeff, Alex, Kate and Brittany

Joan, Alex and Mike Averett
Line up after the concert

120122-Sons of the Utah Pioneers- December Dinner

Marie and I have now attended 2 dinners for the 
Sons of the Utah Pioneers.
Bernell Taylor asked me to do a few pictures at the 
December dinner and concert.

We have had fun connecting with a few of our past friends
that we seldom see anymore who are 
members of the group.

Sister Beverly Arbon

Brother and Sister Hamilton
Brother and Sister Faust
Roland Lewis and Don Perry
Brother and Sister James

Gary and his mother Marilyn Nielsen

Spencer Taylor
Bernell Taylor
Colette and Don Perry
Allen and April Clawson
Keith and Marilyn (far left and far right) Stirling

Spencer's family did a Christmas Concert

Brother and Sister Jay Smith

111522-Bria-Zoey dance recital

 Zoey and Bria have both been in a dance class.
We got to see them in a dance recital 
and then took a few pictures.