Monday, March 8, 2010

Mar 09, 2010

Tell of a difficult or term paper assignment.

What, I can’t remember anything like that, I put all of those bad memories to rest a long time ago. Here again I believe the poor author of these questions must have had a pretty bad experience in school or watched a lot of other sweating out assignment given by her in class. I really do not remember the essays even though I do know that I had plenty of them to write and was never very good at it, especially the English part of it as you can tell evidenced by my writing skills here. In fact I hope you teachers in my family will please give e a little slack and if I ever am tempted to publish these stories I only ask that one of you do the corrections before it goes to press. (Either that or talk me out of it.)

Answering these questions has been like trying to write a term paper so maybe it is coming back to haunt me for not learning how to do it way back then.