Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mar 11, 2012

Mapleton Bi Stake Play/1st High Council Assignment

When I was called into the High Council of the Mapleton Stake it was just after the Stake had been divided into two stakes. Just prior to the split there had been in the planning a stake play that with the spilt became a joint venture between the two stakes. It was my responsibility to pick up as a new member of the High Council and so with a member of their high council we saw it through to completion. It was a lot of fun and required meeting with members of that stake several times as we scheduled practices, determined how to advertise it and then to usher during the event. It was a great success and due to that assignment I still have special friends from that stake that we see every now and the around tow and also for whom we take family pictures. It was a lot of work and I was wondering if I would ever be able to make it as a High Councilor and yet that assignment ended up being one of the highlights of my term in the Mapleton Stake High council.  We ended up having to put it on two or three times so that all of the members form both stakes could see it.