Friday, January 6, 2012

Jan. 6, 2012

Church Song Festival with Leesa.

Singing has always been a part of my life and especially since the time that we sang as a family for Sacrament meeting one day and Alma taught me to sing the alto part in that song. (Seems like the song was Love at Home but I am really not sure at this point.) Anyway I have been able to sing the alto part to many song since then and did so until my voice became of age and I had to start singing the base line instead. I have fun even now though using my falsetto voice and joining Marie on the alto parts of several songs that I had learned in my youth.
We had a number of opportunities to sing also and Leesa and I had a chance once to be part of a church wide festival where we sang in the large basketball facility on the University of Utah campus. We practiced the songs at the stake center for several weeks before we boarded a bus and traveled to Salt Lake city to the U of U campus where we stayed in the dorms and then practiced for several hours each of tow days with the actual conductor who would lead the singing for the event. It was a grueling couple of days with even some threats that it would be cancelled from the conductor because some of the youth thought they were there just to have a good time and thus didn’t sing during the practices.
Well the threats must have worked because we did sing a quite a few numbers, even had a record made from the performance and grew to love music even more than before after it was done. I can’t remember the numbers that we sang anymore and don’t even know where the record might be but I will always remember the feeling we had as we performed with such a large number of youth mostly 14 to 16 years of age.