Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June 8, 2011

Things have been hectic so I haven't been able to get any blogging done since early in Colorado.

Tell about your courtship. How long did you know her before you got married?

We had a long courtship I suppose since we dated as soon as she turned 16 and were married just before I turned 22. I have stated before however that I dated when I was at Snow the first year with other girls and she dated when she was at Snow while I was on my mission. So our actual courtship I guess really began when I got home around the middle of October 1974 and we were married several months later since she went home after Christmas break to work until we were married after I graduated from Snow in May of 1975. So the last five months before I went home after graduation were some very long months as she worked and I studied at a distance of 135 miles apart fro each other.