Thursday, November 21, 2013

2013 Changes to Yard 1st Post East side of the house.

Thanks to Tia, Scott, Jeffrey and Brittany, Marie and I have seen a lot of good changes to the yard this past summer. Tia started a good part of it by wanting to make a mound again on the north west corner of the yard. That then led to many other changes. 

The following several blogs will show these changes as I have recorded them into images this year.

This is the east side of the house. We started by outlining with rocks where we wanted mounds to be made to help channel irrigation water.

Then we started adding gravel left over from the surface well that we had dug.
(More on the well to come.)

Then the dirt was added.

And rocks and mulch topped them off.
Some flowers have been added recently by Jeffrey that will start to show next spring.

We still have grass to add to parts of it.
The grass area is just wide enough for the lawn mower to fit through.

These next two images show two rocks that were brought over from 
Bishop Jone's place which he had left over. 
The tailgate of Scott's truck will never be the same.

End of first post.