Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sept. 24, 2010

Do you remember a special school custodian?

There were two specifically that I knew and loved. One was a cousin (not a first but not too far distant either) and that was Glen Stevenson.He was very kind to all of the students and we in turn were kind to him as well. He was probably more special to me because I knew he was related just never knew quite how. (Well he was from the Stevenson side of the family and my grandmother was a Johnson somehow related to the Stevenson's, I would have to check my genealogy to know for sure. Update: 02-24-2019- Grandma Rozilla Poulson and Aunt Ruby-Glen's mother were sister's) I remember once long after he had moved to Vernal when my family visited him and he showed us the pride of his backyard a two story playhouse. I t was pretty neat.
The second one was Harold Spencer, my neighbor, Home Teaching companion, and bus driver. We spent a lot of time together doing farm work as well as seeing him at school and church. Harold was the one that I was hunting for when I shot the largest buck I had ever seen and he later told me that the meat was really good. The Lord had provided that deer for his family, not me.
Both men hold special places in my memory.

Sept 23, 2010

How did you get to and from school?

I rode a bus for the most part.we were the second stop in the morning and the second to the last at night which meant we spent the most time on the bus except for the first and last stop. There were a lot of times though when I would run home after school in the spring and fall months. Then there were the times we had primary after school usually on Wednesday's and we would walk to the church and ride home with mom or a neighbor. There were also times when I would just walk down main street to the bus garage and spend time with dad at work then go home with him. It was mostly the bus however.

Sept. 22, 2010

What is the meanest thing you remember a teacher doing to a student?

We had great teachers in Duchesne and as it was a small town there didn't seem to be any bad things that were done when I was there by teachers. I cannot think of a single instance where there was any abuse to a student by a teacher that I knew of at all. Maybe I just kept one eye open for the good and both eyes shut to the bad.