Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sept. 8, 2010

Did your parents ever make you wear something stupid to school?

No but when I was in the 9th grade we had initiations and the seniors made me wear a dress and dress like cinderella going to the ball. If I remember correctly I had to wear it all day as well and we even had to walk in a parade down main street in the clothes that they made us wear. It was pretty humiliating but that was what the whole day was about. We had to rebuild white wash the "D" on the hill in the afternoon which was fun since the whole day was pretty much all about missing classes without a need for an excuse from our parents. I don't remember doing much of an initiation when I was a senior even though we probably did and that I am sure was due to the fact that we were on the side causing the humiliation not receiving it.

Sept. 7, 2010

Tell about the playground equipment at your grade school.

I kind of already told you. I did forget a few of the details. The swing set had three swings with flat board seats. The metal poles forming the A frame construction was fun to climb and we would often climb up them and then slide back down. It was quite tall but I really have no idea for sure how high they were at the top of the A frame ,I would guess about 12 feet. We also had a merry-go-round that I didn't mention. It was the typical tilted slightly to one side construction and I did spend a lot of time going around in circles on it. We also had some tetter-totters, at least that was what we called them. There were several sets and we had a lot of fun there. (You always had to have a buddy in order to use them though since sitting on the ground on just one side was quite boring.) We had a cement tennis court also if I remember correctly with a couple of basketball hoops on it but I don't remember ever playing on them other than to race across them during a game of tag. Well I don't remember any of the other equipment so I'll stop there.

Sept 6, 2010

What do you remember doing at recess?

Of course this only applies to 1 thru 6th grades since I went to Grandma's after the morning classes when in Kindergarten and 7 - 12 had no recess only breaks between classes.
I remember that we had a very tall swing set, monkey bars, and tetherball poles. We also had kick balls and baseballs. We also had the big medicine balls. So what I usually did since I was seldom chosen to be on the baseball team was to swing and bail out of the swing. (That was until one of my friends broke an arm and then we didn't get to go as high as we wanted to because a teacher was there to stop us.) So I liked also to play keep away with a group of friends with the medicine balls and the rest was pretty much chasing the girls around the grounds. (Well not really but I sometimes wanted to but I was a bit to shy.) I did play baseball sometimes on rare occasions but wasn't that good at it since I was pretty small or at least I think I was, it may have just been an excuse to not have to play and find out if I was good or not.