Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 19, 2011

Who most influenced your thinking during your growing up years? Why?

I would say that my mother was probably the most influential with my father a close second and hen my grandparents and relatives. I say my mother though because of one instance that comes to mind quite often through my life. The story goes like this. We had gone from Duchesne to visit mother's sister Zelma in Mapleton. We had a great time and I don't remember what all we had done but there was some small expense involved and mom was not one to leave without paying what she felt was what she owed. Well Ilean and Zelma both had the same parents and so when mom tried to give money to Zelma she would not take it. I don't remember how many times the money went back and forth between them but I remember very well the last one. Since it was obvious that mom wasn't going to give up then Aunt Zelma gave the money to me and told me not to give it back to mom until we had left. So a couple of miles down the road I gave it back and we turned around and went to visit my Aunt Zelma again. I don't remember much after that but mother one that round, I think. Anyway I now accept money or things now and then make it up later you might say, if possible.