Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sept 11, 2010

How did you experience the 9/11 attacks?

When the attacks happened I was working for Anderson Cabinets and Mantels. I did the finishing work on all of the cabinets and mantels that were built there. We had a radio in one of the rooms that we could here inmost of the shop. When the announcement came across the radio for the first time I thought that it was just a joke. Then as the continued and we had gathered around the radio we were beginning to be stunned by what we were hearing and as the event continued and they announced the pentagon and the plane that went down in the field with the last calls from people on the plane to their loved ones it started to really hit us.
I went home that night and continued to watch the TV coverage. I will not forget what happened and many of those scenes will go un-erased from my memory.